This straightforward 5 week program guides you through the postpartum stage of healing, helping you look and feel your best as you care for your new baby.


Rehabilitative exercise that tackles your unique postpartum issues (hello back pain and peeing when you sneeze) can greatly help expedite your recovery and improve your healing outcomes. We will teach you how to reconnect with your pelvic floor muscles, how to awaken your deep core muscles and, most importantly, how and when to progress these exercises to improve the strength, function and appearance of your healing abdominal wall.


If our body is malnourished, we simply cannot heal. Nutrition is a critical, yet frequently over-looked component of maternal health, and yet most families simply do not have time or energy to prepare balanced meals. We are thrilled to have Angela of Bloom Natural Nutrition assist us in leading our Fall cohort to fill this missing piece of the puzzle! She has put together a mini nutritional tool kit with quick, basic recipes to help boost your energy, build lean muscle and improve your cognitive and hormonal function.

Angela is the founder of Bloom Natural Nutrition in Vancouver. She is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Certified Holistic Private Chef and mother of 2 human babies. Learn more about Angela


Restore - Spark - Build – Support - Flourish

We’ve consolidated (and simplified!) everything you need to know into 5 key areas of focus taught over 5 weeks. Our goal is to help you heal and nourish your body, learn useful tools and recipes and build a baseline of strength so you can return to exercise with confidence - and feel great.

Each week you’ll receive:

  • 2x 30 min strength based classes (virtual) to support your healing body, with a strong focus on the pelvic floor and core system (10 classes in total)

  • 1 nutritional focus and recipe to help nourish you from the inside out (5 recipe PDFs + bonus recipes shared at the end)

Additional perks:

  • Downloadable class recordings

  • Private group chat with weekly check-ins

  • Weekly exercise PDF’s outlining your reps and sets for at-home practice

  • Unlimited email support with Jen

Topics explored

  • Understanding the major postural and musculoskeletal changes that occurred in pregnancy and how they affect your current postpartum state; from rib flare and mid back tension, to lumbar pain and glute clenching, we’ll learn how to reset the body and guide it back to better alignment.

  • Breath work, your diaphragm and how this relates to your pelvic floor function; for optimal pelvic floor function after birth, we need to learn how to both contract and release this muscle group. We’ll practice in stationary positions and work towards combining pelvic floor activation with movement. 

  • How to identify, monitor and heal a diastasis (abdominal separation); strategies to minimize and shorten the gap, and learn how to modify activities when needed.

  • Exercises to gain the functional strength needed to withstand the demands of motherhood, with a deep focus on the foot, glute + hip connection, pelvic positioning, shoulder and scapula stability, thoracic mobility, and the deep core and pelvic floor.


“Will I need to purchase any props?”

Yes. You’ll need a few things to set up your space so you are ready to dive in. 

  • 2 Tennis balls or lacrosse balls

  • Resistance band (light and medium tension)

  • 1 Pilates ball (8-10" diameter)

The approximate cost for all the above is approximately $20-25. I will be providing links to suggested Amazon products for those unsure about where to purchase. 

“I want to join, but the time doesn’t work for me. What happens if I can’t make the live sessions?”

I realize that work schedules, children at home, or even time zone differences might not make it possible, or convenient, to tune in live. 

Each session will be recorded and sent out to the cohort within 24 hours. These can be watched at your leisure and are helpful for those wanting some extra time with the videos. 

“Will there be time to ask questions or get help with the exercises?”

Yes! And I highly encourage you to ask questions! You can ask away anytime throughout the session as well as at the end where you are welcome to stay on and chat, ask questions, etc. We will connect via email each week as well, so there are plenty of opportunities to get help if needed. 

“I’ve never done Pilates before” or “I feel really out of shape”

Maybe you’re emerging from the first or fourth trimester haze, or it’s been a hot minute since you’ve done any exercise. That is totally ok. This series is all about learning the fundamentals of exercise + Pilates, specific to the perinatal period. We’ll go at a pace where no one is left behind or feeling overwhelmed. 

What other Mamas are saying about our virtual programs…

“I know I wasn’t able to make it live, but I’ve found your course immensely helpful as a first time Mom in c-section recovery. Each class made me feel so supported and confident I’m doing movements that are aiding in my recovery. Thank You!” - Emily

“Thank you for the amazing Postpartum program. I feel so much stronger and much more aware of my body and movements. It is really great to feel confident about my body after delivering the baby. Thought I was used to lifting weights and staying active prior to giving birth, I didn’t feel like my body belonged to me Postpartum. Completing your program made such a huge difference in my recovery.” - Naho

“I’m so grateful for Jen and the incredible series she has created. This was an hour each week I could carve out for just myself, which paid huge dividends over the course of the 5 weeks. Layering in exercises week by week has given me a repertoire of movements to practice for weeks to come! - Raven

Let’s get registered!

Please note there are currently no dates set for our next Postpartum Essentials series. Email us to be added to the waitlist.