Our virtual abdominal rehab series starts April 9th! Registration is now open.

Every Mom knows they should prioritize core strengthening exercises after birth, but many don’t know where to start - or they try a few exercises but end up frustrated because they don’t see any results!

Learn how to confidently rehab your core in just 4 weeks from home. This educational, movement-based series is ideal for those with diastasis recti (abdominal separation) umbilical hernias, pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, ‘mom pooch’ or anyone looking to improve their core function. 

Jen Basa Kazuta brings expertise in this niche area of exercise, having helped hundreds of women successfully rehab their core and pelvic floor after birth.

This 4 week series will teach you:

  • How to assess your abdominal wall and interpret your findings, such as the depth of the gap vs. the width.

  • All about Intra Abdominal Pressure (IAP) and how to maintain pressure during exercise and every day movements.

  • Dozens of core-specific exercises to recalibrate the pelvic floor and deep abdominals.

  • Simple ways to reset your posture that will ‘rev up’ the function of these muscles.

  • How to progressively overload your core so you continue to see change in the strength and appearance of your abdominals.


***Participants are ideally at least 6 weeks postpartum and have clearance to exercise by their health provider. For all stages of postpartum and all physical abilities.


$100 until March 25th, $125 after. Prices are in CDN.  


“Will I need to purchase any props?”

Yes. You’ll need:

  • Long, theraband resistance band in medium tension (not the looped kind that goes around your thighs)

  • Optional: Pilates ball (8-10" diameter)

The approximate cost for all the above is approximately $20. I will be providing links to suggested Amazon products for those unsure about where to purchase. 

“I want to join, but the time doesn’t work for me. What happens if I can’t make the live sessions?”

I realize that work schedules, children at home, or even time zone differences might not make it possible, or convenient, to tune in live. 

Each session will be recorded and sent out to the cohort within 24 hours. These can be watched at your leisure and are helpful for those wanting some extra time with the videos. 

“Will there be time to ask questions or get help with the exercises?”

Yes! And I highly encourage you to ask questions! You can ask away anytime throughout the session as well as at the end where you are welcome to stay on and chat, ask questions, etc. We will connect via email each week as well, so there are plenty of opportunities to get help if needed. 

What other Mamas are saying about our virtual programs…

“I know I wasn’t able to make it live, but I’ve found your course immensely helpful as a first time Mom in c-section recovery. Each class made me feel so supported and confident I’m doing movements that are aiding in my recovery. Thank You!” - Emily

“Thank you for the amazing Postpartum program. I feel so much stronger and much more aware of my body and movements. It is really great to feel confident about my body after delivering the baby. Thought I was used to lifting weights and staying active prior to giving birth, I didn’t feel like my body belonged to me Postpartum. Completing your program made such a huge difference in my recovery.” - Naho

“I’m so grateful for Jen and the incredible series she has created. This was an hour each week I could carve out for just myself, which paid huge dividends over the course of the 5 weeks. Layering in exercises week by week has given me a repertoire of movements to practice for weeks to come! - Raven

Let’s get registered

1) Visit our Jane App booking page.

2) Select the Postpartum Pilates tab and choose the Virtual 4 Week Series : Abdominal Rehab After Birth.